From the Executive Director

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed. ~ Psalm 82:3 (NIV)
Dear RFK Family,
This has been an extraordinary year! Through your generosity, God has mercifully blessed our 206 kids at In Step Children’s Home with everything they need for an abundant life.
Last year we rescued seven children from abuse or abandonment and reintegrated six kids back with extended families or foster homes. Twenty-seven kids pursued their high school education and one attended culinary school.
This coming year will be a milestone on campus as four of our kids will graduate high school, launching them into the local community. Your partnership directly impacts the future of a generation as these precious young people aim to reach their God-given potential.
My heart is full of joy and gratitude as I reflect on what supporters like you accomplished in the hearts and minds of kids in our care. I can only imagine what God has in store for this next year as we trust Him on the journey He set before us.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
Estha Trouw Madeira, Rehema for Kids Executive Director
From the Board Chair
Dear Fellow RFK Supporters,
First and foremost, thank you for your prayerful support in 2022 of the beautiful children in Kenya that we all love so much. Much like 2021, 2022 seemed to be a whirlwind for this organization (and trust me, it takes a village and then some) as we tried to stay out in front of the ever-changing needs of raising 200+ beautiful kids. I won’t lie to you, there are times my faith is tested, wondering if we will be able to do our part in raising these kiddos. But when I look at where God has brought this ministry today, from its beginning with just the Panzeros and Piciccis, my faith is, in fact, only strengthened. GIGATT! (Thanks for the acronym, Carla!)
What a miracle it is that we are all blessed to play a part in this, no matter how big or small. With that said, my faith is again tested as I spend time with the rest of the board and staff trying to prepare an aggressive, yet responsible, budget for 2023 while also foreseeing an economic downturn in the states. I trust God will continue to provide, but there is no way we can do it without His faithful servants like you. Whether it’s prayer, volunteering, financial support, or just sharing this ministry with someone else, I have faith that God will work in us and through us to take care of those kiddos that he put under our care.
I have been fortunate to have met many of you whom share my love for these kids, and I look forward to meeting many more supporters like you in the near future so that we may talk about how we can serve our kids in Kenya. In the meantime, I do have an ask that I hope you will consider… If you are so led, will you commit to helping this ministry in whatever way possible in 2023? I hope you’re like me, and that your answer is a resounding “yes.” May you all have a blessed 2023.
Aric H. Ellison, 2023/24 Board Chair