Hear some incredible stories from some incredible people.
The best part of the trip was hanging out with the kids. They were kind to each other, and were very aware of God at work in their lives. I really connected with a couple of young guys who often shadowed me.
“Each time I visit I sense a change in the atmosphere as you enter through the large doors at the entrance to the Home property – the atmosphere changes from desperation and vulnerability to hope, belonging and restoration.”
“We were blessed and changed by the time we spent at In Step Children’s Home. To use our skills and experience to serve the kids and staff there truly brought us joy. To see the way each child’s life was changed by having a home and a family brought to light the way that we are all changed when we are adopted by our Father into an eternal home and family! The names and faces of many of the beautiful children there will forever be in our memory!”
Upon visiting our Children’s Home and School, “I have never seen a place like this in all my years of serving the courts. Congratulations, we’re very proud of you!”
“Upon arriving at In Step Children’s Home, I was amazed at how loving and caring the environment was. It truly feels like a home and I immediately felt part of this family. Being able to join this community in loving and serving the children here is such an amazing and life changing experience. I hope to continue to come back!”
“Truly visiting is life-changing with never ending hugs, smiles that move your heart, enthusiastic singing and joyous and animated dancing. The noise of children laughing and crying, playing and working, learning the importance of responsibility and performing the daily tasks of life. This a safe place; a place where the love of Jesus is caught as much as it is taught. Indeed, to see this ministry up close and personal as we have, has confirmed to us without hesitation that the vision and work of Rehema for Kids, missionaries Jeff and Carla Piccici is a “God-thing” and well deserving of our energetic and full support.”