From Friday’s report:
Our dental team treated 60 more children and only have 25 more to go on Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully, they will have time for staff cleanings. They also did fluoride treatments on the 14 Stepping Stones (our center for children with special needs) kids. Dr. Gary will do classes in prevention on Monday. He shows a short video on proper dental hygiene and discusses how to have healthy teeth.
There are always jobs that pop up that we had no idea we were coming here to do. Flinn Hackett now has taken school portraits of all 200+ children. We will be making two copies of each picture and starting permanent dental/medical files for each child using one copy. The other copy will go to the social workers’ files.
Dean continues to teach science classes and run experiments. He worked with 6th graders today on soil and water conservation. Yesterday, he taught 7th & 8th graders about nutrition and basic chemistry. Dan Harrison keeps building cars with each class to prepare for the big race.
Since we are at 6,400 ft of elevation, on the Equator, and it’s been 80° F every day, we are all feeling a bit run down, tired, and achy. Several of us are taking a day off to go to Mount Elgon National Park. A few others will be going to Kitale to play a round of golf.
I was asked to teach netball today (instead of soccer) for grades 4-6. It’s like basketball without dribbling. It is part of the newly required national physical education curriculum. You learn something new each day!
~ Daniel Traina
Dean, along with deputy headteacher, Mr. Vincent
Daniel Harrison with student, Sammy
Virginia Voorhies assembling cars with a student