Posts by Sarah Hallen
March 2020 Jambo
Jambo everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I have been seeing posts about unpredictable weather on that side. Ours has also been different than usual, but we did get a few weeks of “dry season” in February! (Dry season normally lasts about three and a half months!) I must admit, it’s nice to have some days when…
Read MoreFeb 2020 Jambo
Jambo everyone! I hope your 2020 has started well! Here at In Step Children’s Home, January has been a very busy month! The Kenyan school year is the same as the calendar year. School “opens” in January and “closes” at the end of October. So this month, there was lots going on, getting all the…
Read MoreJanuary 2020 Jambo
Jambo everyone! Happy New Year! I hope you are all ready for a productive and prosperous 2020! December was a great but super busy month! After arriving in Nairobi from the states, I stayed an extra day to try to take care of some immigration business, which was a big flop because in Kenya, there’s no such…
Read MoreDecember 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! November has been a very busy month in USA! I have been able to spend time with family and friends, attend a few events and a few churches, and just plain catch up with lots of folks! I am now in scramble mode, constantly distracted (even now while writing this) by my list of things…
Read MoreNovember 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! I hope you are all doing well and adjusting to the climate change, whatever that is, depending on where you are in the world! Personally, I have experienced a huge climate change after traveling from Kenya to Washington State! So, here I sit, after waking up starving at 4:00 AM (thanks jetlag), bundled up in…
Read MoreOctober 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the change of seasons! Here in Kenya, the rains are starting to let up a bit, although the ridiculous amount of mud is yet to disappear! September was a good month here at the home for the most part. The kids are back in school and…
Read MoreSeptember 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! I hope you are all doing well as you wind down your summer and send your kids back to school! We are also starting up school again, but for us it’s the beginning of third term, not the start of a new year. Here in Kenya, a school year is a calendar year; school starts in…
Read MoreAugust 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! Sorry I’m a bit late with this update! I have been under the weather with malaria, which comes with different symptoms and challenges with each bout. This particular strain has been mainly fatigue and brain-fog, thus the lack of being able to pull my thoughts together enough to give you guys an update. Despite all…
Read MoreJuly 2019 Jambo
Jambo everyone! Another month flies by! I’ve been seeing some of your posts about the nice, summer weather…. while on this side, we’re wearing sweaters and long pants! The rains came very late this year (and we had experienced a severe drought leading up to the rains) but rainy season is finally here! Even the solar water heater…
Read MoreMay 2019 Jambo
Jambo everybody! Ok. So, I’m starting with a disclaimer for those of you who have known my travel schedule. I wrote this a week or so ago, but before I could insert the pictures and send it out, my laptop battery died! When I got to Germany, I wasn’t able to find a plug compatible with the German…
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